The third face _ Shangguan Midnight

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She looked at him with a slight frown. A very attractive woman, thought Mr Satterthwaite. She has a face that may be very rigid,shuttle rack system, but it is very smart. This was Simon Gillett's second wife. 。 She is not as beautiful as Lily, but she seems to be charming, kind and

After they left, Zhang Xiaonan took out a lottery ticket from his trousers pocket, which he stole while Qin Jianfei was half drunk and half awake. More than 300,000! Zhang Xiaonan sighed lightly and dialed a number with his mobile phone: "Hello, uncle, I am in Nansheng Internet Cafe.". Qin Jianfei went crazy, and the others left. Oh, I don't have to deal with Gu Jiong and Wang Haitao anymore. They will never suspect that I stole the lottery ticket. By the way, uncle, I can't give you the 100,000 yuan I promised you in advance, because. Because I'm going to donate the money to Project Hope in the name of Qin Jianfei. My uncle shouted abuse over there. Zhang Xiaonan did not want to say more, hang up the phone, shut down, he whispered: "I'm sorry, Qin Jianfei!"! For the last time, I didn't want to scare you, but if I don't,mobile racking systems, they'll suspect me. If I could do it again, I would not be obsessed with money. That's all I can do now. Please forgive me! Tears crept down Zhang Xiaonan's cheeks. t xt + ~ Xiao Shuo + Tian Tang The third face This article is dedicated to all the friends in love. Introduction She forgot when she had been dreaming, and how long she had been dreaming. At this moment, her mind was full of vague images. She was walking on a deserted path, and the blue moonlight enveloped the whole city in an eerie atmosphere. The ringing of the bell pierced the silence of the night. She turned her head and a bicycle came towards her, passing her by and disappearing into the vast darkness. Oh, my God,industrial racking systems, that's a driverless bike! Her hands and feet suddenly tingled, goose bumps appeared on her body, and a chill on her back jumped up from her shoulders and ran down her back. Finally, she broke through the silent fear and ran for her life through the thick night to the other end of the night. Half of the cold moon was floating in the clouds, and her figure suddenly fell into the endless darkness, and her white skirt was still shining with a faint light. The night wind rattled the branches on both sides, and then she realized that she had already run into a graveyard. The air, which was so gloomy that it was almost suffocating, surrounded her. She stopped panting and heard a faint sound, like footsteps. The voice came from behind her. She looked back suddenly. In the dark night, she saw three faces-three faces hanging in the air. Her eyes passed over the first face, the second face, shuttle rack system ,mobile racking systems, and finally stopped on the third face. a When Yu Xiao came home, it was already one o'clock in the night. In the evening, she attended her friend Chen Yanan's birthday party. It was originally agreed that everyone would bring their lovers to play in the past, but Yu Xiao's boyfriend Lin Guang had something to do. In addition, he did not like the excitement and refused to join in. So the whole evening Yu Xiao's mood has not been very good, she drank a lot of wine, see others in pairs, but she is alone, that lonely more and more rich. After entering the house, he found that Lin Guang had not slept and was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Yu Xiao asked while changing his shoes, "Why haven't you slept yet?"? Don't you have to go to work tomorrow? Lin Bald also does not return, the tone is light, but somewhat gentle: "is waiting for you." "Well, why didn't you call me?" "I'm afraid Chen Yanan will say I'm sticky. How about having a good time?" Yu Xiaoben didn't want to mention what happened tonight, but he complained that Lin Guang didn't accompany her. He said with a smile, "Of course I'm happy. I know a lot of handsome men, and I left my phone number." With these words, she sat down beside Lin Guang, quietly. Lin Guang took her by the shoulder? Have you been drinking? What a strong smell of wine! "Yes, happy!" "Are you angry, Xiaoxiao?" Lin Guang immediately recognized the displeasure in Yu Xiao's words. Yu Xiao broke away from Lin Guang's hand and leaned back on the sofa in silence. You know I don't like this kind of party. It's not that I don't want to go with you. "Oh, is it?" When Yu Xiao opened her eyes, she looked at Lin Guang and asked softly, "Do you love me?" "Do you have to ask?" Yes, I have to ask. Do you love me She looked so serious. "If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be sitting here in the middle of the night waiting for you to come back." Yu Xiao hugged Lin Guang's waist and pressed his face against his arms. His voice was thin: "But how can I not feel that you love me?"? You used to say you loved me, but since we were together, you seldom said, is it that you men don't cherish what you've got? I always feel that you don't care about me more and more. Lin Guang hugged Yu Xiao tightly in his arms. Women are always so suspicious. He said, "Fool, how can I not care about you?"? Love is not something we talk about every day. We are not children, are we? "Well, let's say you're right.". I went to take a shower first, and the smell of alcohol was very uncomfortable. With that, Yu Xiao got up and walked to the bedroom. Lin Guang stopped her and said, "Yes, there's a letter for you." "Oh, what letter?" Yu Xiao turned her head, but she didn't understand for a moment. Put it on the TV and see for yourself. Yu Xiao walked over, picked up the envelope and took a look: "Lu Ziming?" She put down the letter and squatted beside Lin Guang. "Aren't you jealous?" She asked. Lin Guang is indissoluble: "Jealous?"? Why should I be jealous? "A man wrote to me!" What's there to be jealous of? Who doesn't have friends of the opposite sex? Besides, you don't want me to control you tightly. At the beginning,heavy duty cantilever racks, I promised you to be my girlfriend. You still have a lot of freedom. You can eat and watch movies with other men. I just want your heart. But I can't figure it out. What age is it now? Why is it still popular for swan geese to express their love? Lin Guang's tone was obviously teasing, but his face was disapproving. Yu Xiao pursed his lips: "I didn't reply to his letter." "Why?" Yu Xiao's mood was suddenly so bad that she really didn't want to say more: "No reason." Then she went into the bedroom with the letter and never came out. When Lin Guang turned off the TV and went in, she was already asleep. b。

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